
Dimecres, 12 d'octubre

Apunt d'en Broc: "Happy Birthday, Harriet"

El Periódico: "Una tortuga de l'època de Darwin segueix viva amb 175 anys"

Harriet "It was confidently asserted, that the tortoises coming from different islands in the archipelago were slightly different in form; and that in certain islands they attained a larger average size than in others. Mr. Lawson maintained that he could at once tell from which island any one was brought. Unfortunately, the specimens which came home in the Beagle were too small to institute any certain comparison. This tortoise, which goes by the name of Testudo Indicus, is at present found in many parts of the world".

Se'm fan les dents llargues només de pensar-hi....

Podeu llegir la notícia sencera contrapunt de gossos